Our Company History

The Home and School Education Newspaper Company was founded in March, 1961 and in May the same year the first issue was published. In 2010, we had our 50thyear anniversary (in accordance with traditional Asian counting systems). Around the time of our first issues a private organization called “The Education Equipment Support Association” was campaigning throughout Japan with the support of various PTA groups for more educational equipment in schools. In order to attract the attention of potential readers our newspaper was published as “The Bell News”.

However, in 1962 the newspaper changed its title to the present day title of the “Kyoiku Katei Shimbun”

(The Home and School Education Newspaper”) as it deals with all matters concerning education at home as well as matters about school education.

The Home and School Education Newspaper is a specialist education information newspaper which links educational institutions, homes and companies.

The Company Today

 Nowadays rapid changes are not only taking place in our society and environment but also in the technology revolution and the international situation.

 From the year 2002, the Japanese education system will be radically reformed. A subject called “General Studies” will be introduced. The content of “General Studies” classes will be left up to each individual school i.e. there will not be a fixed syllabus for this subject. In addition to this, there will be major changes made to the content of other subjects.

 As this reform takes place we will be doing our best to gather accurate information and publish articles which will satisfy our readers’ need to be well-informed.

We also publish the “Multi Media Supplement” which is about the educational use of computers and the internet once a month which comes out in the first week of the month. In addition to this we also publish other supplement: The “Health Education Supplement”, which is about health education and is issued in the second week of the month.

Our newspaper is subscribed by readers who are interested in educational subjects.

There is a charge for each of the above newspapers but we also have a free on-line magazine which contains a lot of education information every Wednesday.

The Home and School Education Newspaper is issued:

The subscription rate is ¥10,800 / year (including tax and postage)

We are also selling foreign textbooks and reference books to Japanese teachers of elementary school,junior school and junior high school.
If you would like to sell your textbooks to Japanese schools, please contact us. 

e-mail   kks@kknews.co.jp

Kyoiku Katei Shimbun